Dear Friends, There’s this massive pile of sticks and logs stuck in the middle of the creek. It looks like it’s collected there over quite some time. I was looking at that pile a while ago, and thinking about how that massive pile could have started with one small branch. One small branch might have been caught by a rock in the stream, and then another, and then another….and that small, insignificant spot in the stream then grew and grew until it was blocking half the stream and collecting everything that happened to come through...sticks, trash, I’m pretty sure I saw a tee shirt in there. We work like that sometimes, I think. One small, insignificant issue might lead to bigger and bigger issues until we can’t do anything in life without it being affected by that one small, insignificant issue. We keep collecting hurt and pain because we didn’t resolve and let go of other pain. May we work this week to disentangle ourselves from those small, insignificant issues in life. May we see them, recognize them, feel the pain in them...and then allow them to float down the stream on the top of the water instead of allowing them to continue collecting debris. May we acknowledge their importance in our lives, and let them go. I hope you have a wonderful week dear friends. Love Krista
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Hi, I'm Krista!Krista Mason is a movement instructor based in Washington DC. She founded an online strength, yoga and movement studio, teaches group classes, hosts both local and overseas retreats, hangs out with private clients, and absolutely loves the work she gets to do. Archives
September 2024