Dear Friends,
My boys and I stopped at Luray Caverns on our way home from West Virginia a couple of weeks ago…if you haven’t ever been there, I highly recommend it. We’d been to other caverns in the area, but I was in no way prepared for the breadth and magnitude of this particular cavern. It was enormous, and just simply and absolutely stunning. We walked along the caverns, each of us finding our own pace, our own way, getting through in our own time instead of staying together…meandering along the winding route of the cavern at whatever pace we wanted to go. There was more than one time along my route that I was stopped short by my surroundings and how incredible and amazing that cavern was. The rocks, the stalactites and stalagmites and their magnitude and enormity, the colors….absolutely stunning. My dear friends, I hope we can find a little more wonder and delight in the world around us…whether that be because of something as magnificent as the stalactites and stalagmites in a beautiful cave, or as every day as a tree or a butterfly as we walk through our neighborhoods. I hope we can notice, we can see, we can delight a little more in every aspect of the world around us. There is wonder all around, my friends. Have an amazing week. Love Krista
Dear Friends,
My boys and I were enjoying a beautiful and drizzly day last week, sitting on the top of a hill eating our lunch in one of our favorite hiking and backpacking spots, enjoying an amazing view and each other’s company…talking about childhood and family and memories. As you might know, my older son started his freshman year in college last weekend…and the way our family schedule happened to work out, other than 2 days, I wasn’t going to have my boys with me for that last week and a half before my older left for school. I was looking at our family schedule a couple of weeks prior to his departure, and when I finally internalized it, I found I was sitting in a lot of sadness because of our schedule, and my perceived lack of time…so, I let myself sit in sadness and wallow for a bit about it, and then I decided to reach out to you all, cancel my classes on the Monday and Tuesday that I had my boys, and take some intentional time away with my little family. And that’s how we three found ourselves sitting on top of the hill in one of our favorite spots on a Monday afternoon after a slow and lazy morning getting out of the house…talking about childhood and memories and just enjoying each other and the world around us. My friends, sometimes there’s nothing we can do to help ourselves when we’re in the midst of sadness or hardship, I know that…but there are times when we can see and acknowledge what we’re feeling, and, in the midst of those very real feelings, we can figure out ways to help ourselves, to shift our perspective, to make life feel better for ourselves even if our situation has not changed. I hope, this week, you can find some intentional time for yourself, in whatever way feels best. Have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
I had been thinking about getting out to rock creek the other week…but it was hot, I just couldn’t motivate myself…even so, I hadn’t been outside all day long and I needed to get a little vitamin D in my life. So instead of getting out to Rock Creek, I walked to the mailbox down the street to mail a letter, I walked around the circle near my house once, and then I walked home to my air conditioned house because, well, it was gross out. We’re reaching the end of summer…where life sometimes feels hotter and more sluggish. When it’s just harder to get motivation to move. If you’re in my area, the mosquitos are ready and waiting to attack when you step out your door certain times of day. Getting to that place where movement feels like the routine...easier said than done, right? But any movement counts, however brief it may be…and I wonder how it might feel if we really started paying attention to the opportunities we have to move and taking them. I wonder how it might feel if we give ourselves permission to take 5 minute, 7 minute, 10 minute movement breaks in our day and count them toward our movement. Our movement practices don’t need to be all or nothing. They don’t need to look or feel a certain way to count. We don’t need to find an impossible hour in our day every day to fit movement in our lives. We can piecemeal it, we can find 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there. It still counts, that movement still counts, my friends. I hope you have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
My family and I were in Zion National Park a few years ago on a hike…if you’ve ever been to Zion you’ve experienced being at the bottom of a canyon with massive, seemingly insurmountable rock walls surrounding you everywhere you look. The sheer magnitude of the canyon walls are enough to take your breath away. I’ve been in the midst of that emotional wall I talked about last week, and thinking a lot about how emotions manifest themselves this past week, how they, like those walls in Zion, sometimes feel insurmountable. We all hit those walls, right? Those times in life where, while we can get the routine, the normal done, anything extra feels like we don’t have bandwidth or space, like it’s just too much. Movement is one of those things that, oftentimes, falls by the wayside when we hit that emotional wall…but, my friends, movement is so incredibly helpful in allowing us to feel better, in getting us out of our heads and into our bodies, in helping us process those emotions that we are in the midst of. I wonder how it might feel if movement became the routine, the normal in our lives. How might it feel if, when life felt big and overwhelming and too much, we allowed movement to be our outlet and our space-maker, we allowed movement to help us back into our bodies when we are too much in our heads. How might it feel if, when we had a change in routine, movement was the thing we came back to once we got back into our normal life. I wonder how it might feel if, when we hit that seemingly insurmountable wall, movement was the thing that helped ground us in the midst of those inevitable feelings and emotions. My dear friends, if you are in the midst of an emotional wall, I hope this week you are able to get a little more out of your head and into your body through movement. I hope you have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
If you’re in the DC area, you’ll recall that last weekend a big storm rolled through. Trees fell, power outages lasted hours and in some cases days. My sons and I happened to go into a movie theater directly prior to the storm hitting, and by the time we left the theater the storm was over and gone…we would have never known it happened…except when driving home we started noticing the downed trees all around us, and the Safeway we went in on the way home, well, it was completely flooded in the back. While we didn’t witness it, we couldn’t help but see the remnants of the storm around us. I was talking to a dear friend a few weeks ago. We were talking about our boys and how in a few short weeks we’ll be moving them to school for their freshman years in college. I was telling her that, while I definitely struggled on a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions in the spring with one son looking at colleges for next year, and the other making college decisions for this year, I wasn’t quite sure how this change would affect me currently. I thought it was of benefit to me that my life has been in a pretty constant state of change these past three years…and the processing of that change over the past three years, I thought, would make this particular transition easier. And now, as I write this, I’ve found I’ve hit an emotional wall. All week I’ve sat down and stared at the screen, unable to find the bandwidth for creative thought. While the ability to show up for and teach my classes and to get my easy and routine tasks done is still there, ask me a higher-level question and I’m a bit toast. Here we are, in a few short weeks my son will be going away to college, and man, there are emotions involved in this heart of mine taking up space, taking up bandwidth, affecting me. Sometimes, my friends, we are in the middle of the storm in life…and other times we simply see the remnants of that storm. But whether we’re in the middle, or we get the remnants, we can’t help but be affected by it. I hope you have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista |
Hi, I'm Krista!Krista Mason is a movement instructor based in Washington DC. She founded an online strength, yoga and movement studio, teaches group classes, hosts both local and overseas retreats, hangs out with private clients, and absolutely loves the work she gets to do. Archives
September 2024