Dear Friends,
It’s that time of year…when the leaves are a rich dark green and we are on the cusp of change but we’re not quite there yet. Last weekend I went on a ride through the park and was just hit by the heaviness of the world around me, the dark, rich green of the trees surrounding me as I rode past them. I saw very little color in the leaves as I rode through the park, although by the time this post comes out, there might be a bit more to be seen, but the trees were heavy with the final weeks of leaves, with the last gasp of the season. The seasons have officially changed from summer to fall, the air has gotten a bit crispier in the mornings, and we are on the cusp of that change in the world around us, but we’re not quite there yet. It’s almost like we’re in a bit of a pause before the next phase. For some that pause, that anticipation, might feel like a welcome relief…and for others there might be a space of sadness in anticipation of the next phase. Whatever you’re feeling in that space of anticipation, I hope you can give yourself permission to feel your own feelings, to breathe into the space where you happen to be just a bit more, to notice your own needs. My dear friends, may we breathe a little deeper during the changes in our lives this week. I hope you have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista
Dear Friends,
Back in June I wrote a post about “the shoulds”, and about a little patch of land in my backyard that in former years held a garden, and now was growing a jungle…how I thought about weeding that little patch of land, but my son wanted to keep our little jungle going, so we kept it. And, oh boy, did our jungle grow. It grew and grew and grew….those weeds got taller and taller. On the regular we would go out there and laugh and cackle about how tall they’d gotten. We’d show anyone who came over. They grew to deck height, they grew taller than the fence, they passed the top of the garage, they grew taller than the deck fence. I think the tallest one was about 12 feet tall when they finally stopped growing. Let’s be honest, at some point they stopped being attractive and just started taking over. The last big rainstorm that came through, they were done. They had grown so tall that many bent over toward the ground and took up the rest of the backyard…and it was time to let our little jungle go. So last weekend we spent a day tearing out our little jungle. It was time for them to go, so they went…but oh, how much joy that simple little patch of land brought us this past summer. All the laughing, all the cackling, all the wondering when they were ever going to stop growing. No, it did not utilize the space in a great way, and yes, it totally took over our backyard, and at some point turned into a bit of an eyesore. And yet, with all that, our little jungle sure did bring us joy. My dear friends, I hope you will find a little more joy in the most simple of things this week. I hope you will find a little more in your life to laugh and cackle about. Have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
I’ve been thinking about and sitting in last week’s blog post a lot this past week, and in the thought of allowing ourselves to honor that space between where we were and where we want to be, to at times sit in the discomfort that comes in that space between. I think that space between is an essential part of our journey, and, I think, is just as important as any other part of our journey. And, even with the importance of the space between, eventually we have to cross that bridge, eventually we have to get to the other side. Allowing ourselves the time and space to cross our bridges is essential, allowing ourselves to be in that space of between without judgment is essential. And yet, just as essential as giving ourselves time without judgment, is the recognition that we can’t live in that space of between forever. My dear friends, if there are spaces in your life where you are between where you were and where you want to be, I hope you can come a little closer to where you want to be…without judgment, without rush, without a firm timeline…but with a willingness to continue walking over that bridge for as long as it takes. Have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
Throughout the park there are bridges, spanning the creek and allowing movement between the trail and the road. A few weeks ago I was chatting with a dear friend. As we talked, and then as I thought about the conversation after we talked, I became increasingly aware of this particular space in my life that held a bitterness I thought I had let go of. I became aware that, while I thought I had moved past this particular spot, I hadn’t…I was still holding on to hurt in that particular area of my life. The following day, at a client’s house, I stumbled across a picture. In the picture was a woman jumping across a chasm of water. Above the picture were the words “Honor the Space Between”...honor the space between where I was and where I want to be. I think oftentimes that space between feels uncomfortable. We don’t like being there. Oftentimes we want to move from one side of that chasm to the other without really sitting in and honoring that space between. But, my friends, that space between is part of it. That space between is essential. Just as we have to cross that bridge to get from one trail to the other, so too we at times have to sit in the discomfort of the space between…between where we were and where we want to be. My friends, I hope this week you will find a little more comfort in the uncomfortable…knowing that the space between is an essential part of your journey. I hope you have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
The trail might be right in front of us, but it still takes getting started down it. Getting back at it. It’s hard, not super fun…and at times it’s downright demoralizing. A couple of days ago I was on a walk/hike/jog in the park. It was my firm intention to go for a jog, but it’s been a minute since I’ve had any regular cardio in my life. Covid hit me and my household, then there were a couple of recovery weeks post-Covid where I was minimizing my extra activity, and then summer and its loveliness and busyness and lack of routine happened…and now here we are. And, as I moved through the woods a few days ago, I could feel that lack of cardio, my heart and my lungs could feel that lack of cardio. So I walked, I hiked, I did a little bit of jogging and went back to walking. Back and forth, back and forth, in all honesty, significantly more walking than jogging, but movement all the same.. Let’s be honest, it was a little demoralizing. Getting back at it frequently is, right? Getting back to a space in life that formerly felt easy can be demoralizing. It can be really easy to, instead of cheering ourselves on for getting back, to instead let our minds and bodies move into a space of annoyance and judgment. But, my friends, what if we really allowed ourselves to work at getting back to that space that might have formerly felt easy without annoyance, without judgment. What if we simply allowed ourselves to get back into habits without looking down on ourselves for falling out of those habits? I hope, this week, we can cheer ourselves on just a little more. I hope we can celebrate ourselves and the ways we’re getting back, instead of casting judgment on ourselves for the way things used to be. I hope you have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista |
Hi, I'm Krista!Krista Mason is a movement instructor based in Washington DC. She founded an online strength, yoga and movement studio, teaches group classes, hosts both local and overseas retreats, hangs out with private clients, and absolutely loves the work she gets to do. Archives
February 2025