Dear Friends,
Sometimes we just need to stop and take some time for ourselves, right? Several weeks ago I had a day and a stint of weeks where I was just slammed. I had a run of lovely, but busy weekends, and as a result, had gotten behind on some work. Life piled up and there was a list that just seemed to be getting longer by the second. That day also happened to be one of those ridiculously beautiful Fall days that we had in the DC area, stunning really. As I drove to a client at one point in my day I realized, while I had so many tasks that needed to get done, I also needed to take a little bit of time to be, in-between some classes and clients I stopped off at the park, fit a quick walk in and was able to enjoy the beauty of the afternoon for a bit. As I walked through the park, trying to put work out of my mind for a bit, to calm the anxiety of the list that kept getting longer, and focused on enjoying the stunning colors of the trees around me I was thinking about how easy it would have been to keep working straight on through that day, to ignore the chance for a pause and to fill my afternoon with those tasks that, well, frankly still needed to get done. Life gets so busy this time of year. It’s hard to justify slowing down at times...but, my friends, it is so important for us to slow down, to take some time for ourselves and for our own well-being even in the midst of the busyness. My dear friends, as our lives start to get busier this time of year, as the lists start getting longer and the tasks start piling up, may we recognize the need to slow down at times, to take a pause, to breathe a little deeper, and to take some time for ourselves in the midst of the busyness. Maybe we can’t cut anything out of our lives, but perhaps we can still find some time for our own well-being while surrounded by the busyness. I hope you have a fabulous week my friends, I am so deeply grateful for each and every one of you.. Love Krista
Dear Friends,
This past weekend my kids and I took a little drive to Shenandoah to see the end of the cycle of Fall and the sunset. It was a beautiful drive out there, with many of the trees still bright with the colors of fall and some standing empty and barren already. We got to our destination, and took a short hike up to the second-tallest peak in the park about 20 minutes before sunset and settled in. The view of the park was breathtakingly beautiful....and cold. Oh my goodness, it was cold. The wind was going at the top of the rocks and it was piercing. One of my sons had brought enough clothes, so he scampered about like a billy goat on the rocks, having a great time exploring. The other son and I were not so we huddled together in the nook of a rock, cuddling, sharing body heat, and trying to keep our cores warm as we sat there. I had looked at the weather prior to leaving the house, but had failed to factor in the wind, and as we all know, the wind makes a big difference. As I sat there, huddled to keep warm, I was thinking about our perceptions. This was a beautiful day, we had a wonderful time together, I would do it over again....cold and all. And also, in that same hand, our day held a bit of misery and piercing cold....but no one could see that misery in the pictures of my sons and I together, beautiful trees and rocks, or a lovely sunset. The pictures we see are never the full picture, right? My dear friends, may we recognize that the pictures we see are never the full picture. While they may hold a snippet of the truth, they are never the full truth. May we hold that truth when we inevitably start to compare our reality with someone else’s pictures. I hope you have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista Or, how we all need a little help from a friendDear Friends,
A few weeks ago I went for a walk in the woods. I had gotten done with my day a little late, then had a bit of work to catch up on, and got out a bit later than I had initially planned. That, coupled with the fact that the days are not quite as long as they have been, made for a bit of a darker walk toward the end of my saunter through the woods. Towards the latter part of my walk, the path became much less clear and I was forced to go slower so I didn’t trip on an unseen root or rock. As it happened, it was the beautiful October harvest moon that night, and as I finished my walk the moon was low in the sky, massive, and just was also conveniently helpful toward the end of my walk. While it was still hard to see the path, the light of the moon allowed me to see my path a little more clearly. I was thinking, toward the end of my walk, about those moons in our lives. Those people who may not shine a direct light on our path, who may not tell us where to walk and show us exactly where the rocks and roots are, but those people in our lives who light our path just a little more. While they might not point out exactly where we should walk, they make the world around us a little brighter so we can see where we’re going just a little more clearly. My dear friends, may we see those in our lives who allow us to see our path a little more clearly. May we see them and may we find gratitude for the role they play in our lives. I hope you have an amazing week, my friend. Love Krista Dear Friends,
People, events, experiences. They never fully leave us even when they’re gone. I was walking in my neighborhood a couple of months ago when I happened to look up and see wires running through a piece of a tree, and a portion of a tree left behind. I know it sounds funny, but as I stood there, it gave me pause and struck me as profound. Clearly the wires had grown through an existing, living tree, and then when the tree had to be taken down for one reason or another, a portion had to stay behind to maintain the integrity of the wires. As I walked I was thinking about how that parallels life. People, events, experiences...they never really fully go away, they always leave little pieces behind in us. Just like the structure of the wires have been changed by that tree, so we are changed by our life experiences. Sometimes those left behind pieces bring us comfort and joy, sometimes those pieces need to be worked through with a good therapist, but all of them help to shape the beautiful and worthy humans we are, humans deserving of love and respect, both by ourselves and by those around us. My dear friends, I hope you can see your beauty, your worthiness, and the way your experiences have helped create your wonderful self. And your self is wonderful my dear friends. You are so deeply worthy of love and respect. I hope you have an amazing week my friends. Love Krista |
Hi, I'm Krista!Krista Mason is a movement instructor based in Washington DC. She founded an online strength, yoga and movement studio, teaches group classes, hosts both local and overseas retreats, hangs out with private clients, and absolutely loves the work she gets to do. Archives
February 2025