Dear Friends,
I was out on a walk with my niece and nephew last week during the cold spell in our area. As we were walking, we came to a patch of ice spanning the trail…while they walked right over said patch of ice with zero hesitation, I carefully walked around it, recognizing my need to change my path so that I would not slip and fall. Ever get a swift kick to the pants…you know the kind, the kind that forces you to look at things you might have been avoiding looking at and (hopefully) help to bring needed change to that behavior and your life? Yeah, I don’t particularly like it when that happens, I’m going to assume you don’t either. There are times, though. There are times when we need that swift kick to the pants, where we need that wake-up call. We’d all love to simply change our behavior when we need to change, or better yet, never have need of change, but, let’s be honest, most of us don’t work like that. Most of us need a reason to change. Most of us need outside motivation. Most of us need a kick in the pants or that ice spanning our path forcing us to change directions. I got that uncomfortable kick in the pants a few weeks back…not information I wanted to hear, but information I definitely needed to hear…and while I’ve been sitting in what change should look and feel like, I do know that change is required in this particular area of my life. I see that I need to make change, I see it. Simultaneously, I’m trying really hard not to judge myself for that need for change. I’m trying really hard to decouple the need for change and the judgment on myself that so often accompanies the need for change. My dear friends, if you’ve gotten a swift kick in the pants recently, if you’ve been forced to consider a different path, I hope you will work on decoupling that needed information from judgment, and simultaneously you will come a little closer to finding that required path change. Have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista
Dear Friends,
I sit here and write this on the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice…the day that ushers in the change of the seasons with the official start of winter, and the beginning of the return of the light. Our days are beginning to lengthen…by the time you get this email, the day will be just a little bit lighter, a little bit longer. I have been thinking a lot lately about what life looks and feels like in this particular season of holidays, my first Christmas without my boys being with me, as they are with their dad. I’ve been both noticing and feeling my sadness at that thought, and also trying to sit in the lessons that are cropping up…holding loosely to tradition and sameness, and recognizing that while this, and future holidays, might look and feel different, they can simultaneously be joy filled and full of love and lightness even in the midst of sadness and changed experience…we hold multiple emotions. Simultaneously, I’ve been thinking a lot about our studio, and the enormous opportunity I have had to build something new and beautiful in the midst of deep and profound change in my own life, an opportunity I do not take lightly. Pre-studio, I used to say on the regular that, while I absolutely love the work I do, I wouldn’t keep doing it if I didn’t have a supportive partner who brought home insurance…so the thought of being able to continue this beautiful work that I love and being able to continue to build something sustainable even in the midst of a changed life experience, well, that is just simply amazing. It fills me with joy. I could not keep doing this work without you, my friends. I see that, I know that, and I am so deeply and profoundly grateful for the ability to continue this work and our studio. So as I sit here, on this shortest day of the year, ushering in the return of the light, please know that I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. From my little family to yours, I hope you have had, and continue to have an amazing holiday season, no matter what that might look or feel like. Love Krista Dear Friends,
A willingness to change plans even though you thought events were going to look a certain way. I’ve been thinking a lot about last week’s blog post and its application to this particular time of year. It’s a fun, lovely, hard, busy, and emotionally full time of year, right? I think, in all that, there's a tendency at times to feel like things should look and feel a certain way…sometimes it feels like there’s a “correct” way to do things in this particular season. But how might it feel if we found a little more willingness to change our plans when needed with regard to this season…even if that might not be the way we had built this season up to look like. How might it feel to be a little less rigid with what things should look and feel like, and a little more willing to find a bit of softness around what our season might look like. I hope you have an amazing holiday season my friends, no matter what that might look like. Love Krista Dear Friends,
A couple of months ago on a particularly glorious fall weekend, my kids and I headed out to the woods to go backpacking. It was a pretty near perfect weekend for backpacking…while on the colder side, the colors were absolutely spectacular and breathtaking. I planned our route, packed our food, we got our stuff ready to go and off we went. The plan was to head out for two nights, and three days, getting home on a Monday since my kids had the day off of school. It was a wonderful time, walking in the woods with my boys…and yet, as we were walking that first day, they both expressed to me how it would be nice to have a day at home on that Monday they had off. So we changed our plans. We looked at our route and planned a new one so we could walk out on Sunday and get home by Sunday evening instead of staying out until Monday. It was a lovely, glorious walk in the woods. The trees were spectacular, we took all the detours to see multitudes of beautiful waterfalls, we just enjoyed our time together, and then we packed it in and walked out early…and, you know what, that final, unexpectedly lazy, and sluggish day at home was also just an absolute delight. If I hadn’t listened to my kids and their desires, we would have missed out on something pretty special…sometimes changing plans is exactly what we need. I hope you have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
Sometimes that creek is low and slower-moving, and other times it rushes through, moving everything in its path. A couple of weeks ago I was talking about the ebbs and flows of energy, and giving ourselves grace and non-judgement when our energy levels feel low and tamped down. The same week I wrote that post, I was simultaneously recognizing that I had to walk away from a few things, as life had gotten a little too full and out of hand for me. The ebbs and flows…sometimes the creek is low and slower moving, and other times it rushes through, moving everything in its path. I don’t know about you, but I find it both frustrating and amusing, the ebbs and flows…this pendulum swing of over-filling and stepping back, over-filling and stepping back. Frustrating because there are times when I feel like I should simply learn my lesson instead of living in that pendulum swing…amusing because, well, thus far I haven’t. Perhaps some day I will learn my lesson, but until that day, the practice of recognizing when to step back and being willing to take the initiative to do so will have to suffice…and I think that the practice is, in fact, sufficient. Have an amazing week, my friends. Love Krista |
Hi, I'm Krista!Krista Mason is a movement instructor based in Washington DC. She founded an online strength, yoga and movement studio, teaches group classes, hosts both local and overseas retreats, hangs out with private clients, and absolutely loves the work she gets to do. Archives
February 2025