Dear Friends,
Facing our fears, looking them in the eye, seeing and acknowledging them as truth, and choosing to walk forward in those fears. There is a deep bravery there. This morning I am sitting in Costa Rica, listening to the ocean, breathing a little deeper and watching the sky get a little bit brighter. A couple of days ago the folks who wanted to go on an adventure all loaded up into a shuttle to head towards a zip line company in the area. When we got there, we loaded into an open air truck and headed up a mountain to experience 13 zip lines over the Costa Rican canopy. For some it was just a fun and beautiful experience…personally, while I love zip lining, I have no fear of heights and it does not take extra coaxing to jump off that ledge. However, for others in our group it was not just a fun experience, it was also a real facing of fears. It was a willingness to step off a ledge when that ledge terrifies you, and fly through the sky on your own. And that is a beautiful thing to experience, my friends. There are times in life when we have to look our fears in the eye, when we have to face those fears head on, when we have to step off that ledge even though it terrifies us. It isn’t easy, nor should it be, but I think when we are willing to take a step off that ledge, we open ourselves up to more opportunities to fly. I hope you have an amazing week my friend, I am so grateful for you. Love Krista
Dear Friends,
This Saturday I will (hopefully) be getting on a plane with 14 other wonderful humans headed to Rayos Del Sol in Costa Rica for the week…a place where the sun sets over our ocean view, where the howler monkeys roam the trees, our random iguana friend graces our patio every so often and our morning coffee makes me want to sing it’s so good. Pura Vida. I’m excited…and I am so very nervous. Planning and executing a retreat in a Global Pandemic has not been without worry, and I have been feeling all the emotions surrounding it for a long time. The preparations have been made, insurance has been purchased, tests are being required…we are doing all we can do to stay safe and responsible…but that worry is still there. It’s been a long season of near-constant uncertainty for all of us, right? Some more than others, and definitely different then others. Some have carried more throughout this time…but all have been affected. The world around us has been touched by this near-constant state of low-grade anxiety, this state of unknown. While we have no choice but to live in this state we find ourselves in, I wonder how it would feel to find some space in the midst of that state once in a while. How would it feel to find a place that feels like relief in the middle of a state of near-constant uncertainty? What would that look like and feel like in our own lives? My dear friends, I hope you can find a little more space and a little more relief in the midst of uncertainty this week. Our fears, our worries, our anxieties are valid, we feel them and they are there. I hope this week, while seeing and feeling those valid fears, you can simultaneously find a place that feels like relief. Have a wonderful week, my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
If you live in the Washington DC area, you’ll know that last week we had a big snow storm come through the area, covering the region with inches of snow. My kids and I were cross country skiing through Rock Creek on Monday afternoon after the storm. We were on a trail I frequently walk. The world around us was stunning, spectacular really. The trees were heavy with snow, it seemed like every branch was covered. The weather had been so warm the day before, it created perfect conditions for the snow to stick to all the trees, bushes, rocks…every surface seemed blanketed with a beautiful, thick layer of snow. While we were moving through a place that was so deeply familiar, it looked so vastly different. As we were skiing, as I was noticing the world that I so frequently see looking so very different than normal, I was thinking about that blog post from a couple of weeks ago and my inability to drag myself out of bed. I had finally, after weeks of lulling myself back to sleep when my alarm went off, talked myself into getting out of bed and getting back to my routine. I found that, once I got back to it for a couple of days, it was pretty easy to get back to normal. But here’s the thing…routine isn’t always what I need. Routine doesn’t take into account how tired I am, how my body feels, how from day to day things look and feel different. I’m the same person, but my needs change from day to day. And so, of late I’ve been trying to be more aware and alert to what I need on any given day. I’ve been trying to listen a little more carefully, to notice when I need to move and when I need to rest, and to give myself permission to take what I need instead of simply moving through my routine. Just as that trail was both the same and so very different, so our bodies' needs are so very different from day to day. I hope this week, my friend, you can give yourself a little more permission to give your body what it needs without any judgement. Have a wonderful week my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
We are not separate from, but part of. Last week one of my teachers said those words, and they have stayed with me and in me these past several days. We were standing on the edge of the woods after a slow walk through said woods. On the edge of those woods was a busy road. As we stood there, grounding our feet into the earth and allowing all of our feelings in, she said the reason she liked that spot was because it was a tangible reminder of that truth. Even when we are going through hard times, even when life feels overwhelming, even when we are feeling so alone in our pain and grief we are not separate from the world around us, but we are part of the world around us. That doesn’t always feel like the case, right? Sometimes, when hard times come, we just feel so very alone. Sometimes we feel like we want to curl into a ball and exit from the world around us. But what would it feel like to step into the world when those hard times come. What would it feel like to open our arms and allow others in? What would it feel like to, instead of separating ourselves, allow ourselves to be more connected to the world around us, allow for collective grief, allow others to stand with us in our pain. We are not separate from, we are a part of the world around us. My dear friends, I hope this week we are able to open our arms a little more, and allow the world around us in just a little bit more. I hope you have an amazing week, and such a happy New Year my friends. Love Krista |
Hi, I'm Krista!Krista Mason is a movement instructor based in Washington DC. She founded an online strength, yoga and movement studio, teaches group classes, hosts both local and overseas retreats, hangs out with private clients, and absolutely loves the work she gets to do. Archives
February 2025