Dear Friends,
Sometimes there’s a fork in the path. My friend and I were walking in the park the other day, having a lovely chat about life. I was telling him about my blog and some of what I write about. As we walked, we happened to be walking down a particular path that I’ve written about many times, and specifically, that steep hill I’ve blogged about a couple of times. I was telling him about those particular blog posts, and as we talked, he turned to me, pointed to that path and the fork in it, and said “but Krista, sometimes you can just turn and take the easier path.” Sometimes we can just turn and take the easier path. And there it was that day, right in front of me. A choice between two paths, one harder, and one easier. That particular day we turned, and we took the easier path....we still had a hill to climb, but it was not quite as steep, not quite as intense as that other path. Sometimes there just isn’t that fork in the path, is there? Sometimes we have no choice but to go up that steep, hard hill. But there are times in life when we have a choice to make, and when we can turn and take an easier path. My dear friends, if you have a choice this week, I deeply hope you can listen, you can discern, and you can know what path you need to be on….whether harder or easier. I hope you have an amazing week my friends. Love Krista
Dear Friends,
Sometimes when I write these blogs, I have weeks of blog-posts in the queue, waiting to go out. Other times I’m awaiting inspiration at the last minute. I’m sure you can relate, the ebbs and flows of life happen to us all. Several weeks ago was one of those times where I had several posts in the queue. I hadn’t had to think or process for this blog for many weeks in a row...which was really good, because in all honesty I needed some space in life...but then days went by and weeks went by and, well, I still hadn’t been inspired by anything. I started to get a little nervous. Then I went on a slow walk in the woods….and as I was walking, I was recognizing that, because thankfully I had had several weeks in the queue, and because my life had been more than a bit crazy-town, I hadn’t actually allowed myself to slow down at all. I hadn’t been taking time to just allow myself to sit and think. I hadn’t been inspired because I wouldn’t slow down. I hadn’t slowed down because I didn’t want to slow down. Sometimes that’s a defense mechanism, right? At least for me, when life gets overwhelming, it’s sometimes easier to just push through without slowing down and thinking. But what do we lose in the process when we don’t allow ourselves to slow down, to breathe, to process emotions, to sit and think? My dear friends, may we slow down a little more this week, even if it’s scary to do so. May we slow down, breathe a little deeper, and perhaps find a little more inspiration. I hope you have an amazing week dear friends, I am so grateful for each of you. Love Krista Dear friends,
The path isn’t always smooth, is it? Back in December I was out for a jog in Rock Creek. I know I’ve told you before, I don’t like running with distractions….but there are just times when life distracts us. This day in particular was one of those distracted days. As I was jogging, I was building this false narrative in my head. You know the kind, right? I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this, we’re all human. Anyway, I took a situation I was in, and just built this entirely false story around that situation. Here I was, creating and fabricating this really damaging and detrimental falsehood as I was jogging along. And then it happened. My foot hit some uneven dirt, I rolled my ankle really badly and I went crashing down, flat on my face. I limped back to my car with embarrassment, got home, and sure enough, it was crutches for the weekend and then ice and an ankle brace for the next couple of months. So, not my finest moment, not even in the slightest. However, although embarrassing, that experience has really helped me bring awareness to the false narratives that I sometimes create. That experience has helped me notice more clearly when I am creating something in my head that is fundamentally untrue…and I think the noticing, the awareness, is helping me be better in this area. Certainly, I’m not cured...I don’t think any of us will ever be, but I have been more aware and more able to notice when I’m creating falsehoods and more skillful at pulling myself out of it. Dear friends, can we find a little more awareness in the false narratives we’re building in our heads this week? Can we notice, step back, and recognize when we’re building something that doesn’t serve us or those around us? The path isn’t always smooth, but sometimes the bumps are the help we need to notice and change. I hope you have an amazing week dear friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
I was walking along the creek the other day, and I stopped at this spot and sat for a while. I was enjoying the sounds and the movement of the water, the birds in the sky, and a generally beautiful day. I was noticing the movement of the water in this particular spot, the flow, the constant state of movement. I was noticing the ease at which the water flowed through and around the rocks, how it picked up speed and momentum as it continued downstream. I noticed a couple of pretty stagnant pools, where the water ceased to flow, where it collected and stayed without speed and momentum. As I sat there, watching the flow and the stagnation, I was thinking about our own movement practices in life. Sometimes we get in the groove, we get in a routine, we get in a flow...and the momentum of our practice just carries us along. It’s easy to find our practice, it’s easy to show up for it. And sometimes we get stuck in that pool, where it is heavy and there is no momentum, where it isn’t easy to get out and it feels daunting and overwhelming to even start a practice. I don’t think this state of flow and stagnation just pertains to our movement practice though, right? There are so many ways in life where we can feel like we’ve found our flow and we can show up to what we’re doing with ease….and then there are those times when it feels so very heavy to even start what we know we need to start. Whether you have found your flow right now, or whether you are fighting stagnation, I hope you can find a little more acceptance and peace in that space. I hope you can see your absolute value and beauty whether in a state of flow or a state of stagnation. Have an amazing week dear friends. Love Krista |
Hi, I'm Krista!Krista Mason is a movement instructor based in Washington DC. She founded an online strength, yoga and movement studio, teaches group classes, hosts both local and overseas retreats, hangs out with private clients, and absolutely loves the work she gets to do. Archives
February 2025