Dear Friends,
Usually when I write my blog prompts I’m inspired by something, I write the prompt down, and I immediately take a picture to use in the post...but several weeks ago the blog post I had written had been one inspired by a walk with a friend, so I hadn’t gotten a picture of the inspiration while walking. So off I went on my way home from an errand, into the park, to get a particular picture of a particular split in the trail. I got my picture, and, as I didn’t have anything else I needed to be doing, I proceeded to sit on a log for a while….listening to the birds, listening to Rock Creek below me, to the trickle of a stream that was right next to me….just enjoying a beautiful afternoon with the sunlight peeking through the trees and the world bright green around me. . As I sat there, I was suddenly struck with a thought. I have liked every version of Krista before this one, I’m sure you can relate...there have been many versions of Krista before this one. I’ve liked them all. But this version of Krista, this one who has been showing up in honesty and has been doing hard work on herself this past year even when it’s been scary, the one who has been loving the people around her deeply even when it’s hard, and simultaneously loving herself deeply, as I was sitting on that log I realized I like this version of Krista best of all. My dear friends, I hope you can love every version of yourself….no matter where you are on this journey through life. And I hope you can see and celebrate the different versions of yourself in this moment. I hope you have an amazing week dear friends. Love Krista
Dear Friends,
I know I’ve talked about this tree previously, the one with the big, unsustainable curve in it. The one that is growing, but in the long run can’t sustain the amount of pressure the curve puts on it. Last I talked about it was the middle of winter, when all the leaves were on the ground. The tree was dormant, movement and growth had slowed to a crawl or stopped. As I was walking through the park the other day, my eyes were drawn back to that tree. The curve is still just as large, or larger, and still just as unsustainable. The tree still slants toward the water in a way that it can’t hope to maintain over the long run. Even so, my eyes were drawn to the leaves, to the green, to the life sprouting from that unsustainable tree. That tree has so much life-giving potential, even though its trajectory was and is unsustainable. Perhaps your life right now feels unsustainable. Perhaps over the long run it is. But even in that state and the knowledge that over the long run something has to shift, I hope you see how much life-giving potential you have right now, in this current state. May we work to find a little more sustainability in our lives, a little more ability to slow down perhaps, and shift where we need to shift...but may we simultaneously celebrate our ability to overstretch at times when needed. I hope you have an amazing week my friends. Love Krista Dear Friends,
I was walking in the park a few days ago, on a path I’ve walked countless times before, seeing sights I’d seen so many times before, just a regular walk...when there they were. Bright pink, fresh, delicious raspberries on the bush that just days before had been empty. I paused and picked a few ripe berries and ate them, savoring their deliciousness. As I was eating those delicious berries, as I was savoring their taste and enjoying the glee of picking berries from a bush on a path and getting to eat them, I was thinking about how often we can find that sacred in the mundane. When we really look for it, we can see the bliss in the everyday, the glee in the regular. I could have walked past those raspberries. I could have continued on my way without stopping to enjoy those berries. But what would I have been missing if I didn’t slow down, see, and enjoy the joy around me that was there for the taking. May we, this week, see a little more of the sacred in the mundane. May we find the bliss in the everyday, may we see the glee in the regular. May we find joy in our life. May we find it, see it, and carry that joy with us as we move about our week. I hope you have just an amazing week dear friends. Love, Krista Dear Friends,
I walked by this downed tree in the woods several months ago. It was a cold day in the middle of winter, when all the trees were bare and there was little green to be seen….hard to imagine right now. It’s rings told a story of a long and (I assume) beautiful life. It was lying there on the forest floor, having been downed for quite some time. And on that dead, downed tree was growing a beautiful, brightly colored fungus. It stood out brilliantly in the barren woods around it. There it was, in the middle of winter, when all the leaves around it were dead and the forest floor was barren, and that fungus was living and thriving. That fungus was living and thriving because the tree had died and fallen. As I looked at that life, I was thinking about how there are times when things have to fall, when things have to be shed, in order to make room and space for new life, for new opportunities. It doesn’t mean that tree, now dead, was’s time had passed, but even in its passing, it was still used to make something new and beautiful. My dear friends, if there are spaces in your life that need to be shed, I hope you can look at the old and recognize the beauty and meaning in it, even if it’s time to use it to make something new. I hope you have an amazing week dear friends. Love Krista |
Hi, I'm Krista!Krista Mason is a movement instructor based in Washington DC. She founded an online strength, yoga and movement studio, teaches group classes, hosts both local and overseas retreats, hangs out with private clients, and absolutely loves the work she gets to do. Archives
February 2025